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​Riverbend Registries
#228 8338 18th Street S.E.
Calgary AB T2C-4E4
Phone 403-720-3315
Fax 403-720-3316
We are back to normal operations and are committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment to meet all your registry needs.
Monday - Wednesday 9:00am-7:00pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00am-6:00pm
Saturday 9;00am-2:00pm
Closed Sundays
Used Vehicle Registration
Before you purchase a used vehicle it is highly recommended that you get a Vechicle Information Report.
If you purchase a used car that has been previously registered in Alberta , you must have it registered under your name. In order to do so we will require 3 documents:
Bill of Sale or lease documents
Proof of insurance (pink slip)
Valid .
Any vehicle with the status of "salvage" means that it has to be inspected by an authorized mechanic before the vehicle can be registered in Alberta.
A person under 18 years old must have parental consent to register a vehicle in their name.
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